Visual Meditations with your iPhone

Visual Meditations with an iPhone

Visual meditations involve focusing on a visual object or scene to achieve a state of calm and mindfulness. By concentrating on the details and allowing your mind to settle, visual meditations help reduce stress and enhance inner peace. This technique is simple and effective, making it accessible to anyone seeking a moment of tranquility.

There’s a place called Bhigwan where I go to photograph birds. As a professional photographer, I carry my professional cameras for wildlife, travel, and portraits. Yet, I enjoy using my mobile phone for snapping those in-between moments—like this one. This is the door to the toilet in a hotel room where I spend time between wildlife safaris. I appreciate the geometry and the mismatched colour combination of the door and walls.

In art and commercial photography, they teach you about the colour wheel and selecting harmonious colour combinations. But there’s a world where practicality matters more than style or colour coordination. I admire and respect this mindset—honest and unpretentious. 

Developing a daily practice in mobile photography has made me more aware of my surroundings and allows me to take images like this that provoke thoughts about life in ways I wouldn’t otherwise contemplate.

This image is from my “iPhone photography sketches” series, where I show everyday objects using simple lighting and composition, without getting into technical camera settings. Explore my virtual workshops on mobile photography and see how I can guide you in using your mobile phone for visual meditation!

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