Pedaling Across Continents: A Bicycle Journey from Europe to India

Monika Overlingytė travelled from Europe to India on a bicycle

Most people traveling from Europe to India would book a flight. The more adventurous might think about going by car, which sounds pretty crazy. I know someone who travelled from Denmark to India by bus in the 70s. She said they would stay the night in jails in countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan because police stations were the safest places to camp!

I thought those kinds of journeys were a thing of the past. But then, in late November 2023, I met Monika Overlingytė in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India. She had cycled all the way from Lithuania to India! It was amazing to see how she carried everything she needed in bags on her bike.

You can follow her on Instagram.

Would you ever embark on a months-long bicycle adventure? Do you know anyone who has taken on such an adventure? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments!