A Man Napping at Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary in India

iPhone photography at Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary

In a previous post, I showed you a photo of a lemonade seller catching a snooze at a street corner in Mumbai City. Staying with the topic of snoozing, here’s a man dozing off in the canteen area at Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary in Rajasthan. He has spread out a cardboard sheet underneath him while basking in the winter sun.

Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary is a place where you typically visit with large telephoto lenses to click close-ups of birds. When you’re lugging around so much photography gear, it becomes difficult to carry additional cameras for moments like this. That’s where an iPhone comes in handy for snapping these in-between moments that add so much joy to the day.

But even if you are using your mobile phone to take photographs like this, it is important to set your focus point on your subject. Your mobile camera has a large depth of field; however, if your primary subject is even slightly out of focus, the image will not look sharp when you print it. To set the focus, simply tap on your subject after you have composed your photograph, and then take the picture.

I conduct online mobile photography workshops that help you develop your creative eye and enjoy photography.