Editorial Disclaimer

I’m Girish Menon, a professional photographer, but this blog isn’t about my professional work.

The images that you see on this blog are photographs that I click with different iPhones, but I am not presenting them to you as editorial photographs.

What’s an editorial photograph?

An editorial photo shows its contents as they appear in the real world without any editorial changes or manipulations such as adding or removing of objects, changes in colours, or altering people’s appearances.

What alterations have I made to the images on this blog, and why?

I removed people and objects that distracted me from my primary points of interest within a frame. I see each image as a still frame from a dream. I don’t want visual distractions to wake us up.

Eventually I may start mashing up visuals, merging two scenes into one broad space. But I haven’t done that yet.

I won’t ever change the appearance of people or the shapes and colours of things.

Due to this fine art approach towards iPhone photography, I have separate websites for my professional editorial photography and iPhone images.

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