Taking Vibrant Indoor Photos with Your iPhone

Taking Vibrant Indoor Photos with Your iPhone

Taking pictures indoors with an iPhone or any mobile phone under artificial lights often produces poor images. How often do you like the pictures you take at home, in restaurants, or on the streets at night?

This is because these lights aren’t designed for photography. The images will have lots of digital noise and won’t print well. However, if some natural light comes in, especially from one side, you will see better results.

Last Saturday, we talked about architectural photography with an iPhone. I explained how important it is to keep lines in pictures straight to represent a place correctly. The same goes for taking pictures of indoor spaces. The lines of the rooms should ideally be perpendicular and parallel to the edges of the frame, just as we see them in real life.

Bharatpur City Palace clicked with an iPhone 14

I took these pictures at the City Palace in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, using the Halide Pro Mark II app. This app has a digital spirit level that helps me keep my lines straight. Please read about my virtual mobile photography workshops to learn more about making the best use of your iPhone camera.

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